Eza creams and butters were born out of a desire for simplicity and natural ingredients that work for me and my families specific needs.
The first body butter was created for my itchy dry skin during my first pregnancy. Natural oils alone and expensive drugstore creams would not give me the desired results for calming my skin. After much research to find answers, I decided it was time to make my own cream.
It was important to me to use organic, best quality products especially for my children. I bought those to the best of my knowledge, but when my children reacted to even some of those the BABYBUNS line for babies was born.
After much success of calming my children's skin issues with my handcrafted creams, I felt compelled to offer it to others looking for simplistic organic solutions for their families needs.
I look forward to helping people simplify with best quality products.
-E. Knechtli